Vietnam War Memorial
Donald Trump is a master at certain things, like getting attention. He’s also brutally honest. People don’t necessarily like honesty. For example, if you really want to be a dancer but you can’t really dance all that well… your parents may tell you that you’re great, but your true friends will tell you the truth. Once you get over being mad, you realize your true friends are the ones that told you to find something besides dance.
Now that some time has passed since Trump brought up immigration, people are realizing that he was right about immigration. He’s also right about John McCain. But people don’t know it yet. People don’t know history. People don’t know the truth. Knowing the truth takes effort (because you’re not taught the truth in school) and for the most part, people are too lazy to do their own research.
To Understand Trump’s Comments You Need to Understand McCain’s History, Vietnam, and POWs
John McCain was seriously injured when his plane crashed in Vietnam. He was beaten and stabbed by the N. Vietnamese who pulled him out of the water. As a POW, he was nicknamed the “songbird” because he told his captors everything they wanted to know.
John McCain was an Admirals son, and grandson. In fact, he was the son of the Admiral over the Pacific during the Vietnam war… a prized prisoner. The solders pulling him from the water after his crash, the ones who stabbed him with their bayonets and broke his shoulder with the butt of their rifle didn’t know that, they only knew he was an American pilot. However, once he was in the prison and they figured out who he was, his captors called him “The Prince”. McCain himself has stated that he received lenient treatment while there: was that because he was “the Prince”, or the “Songbird”, or both? There’s a lot of material out there on this, but again, start by reading “Scars and Stripes” by Eugene “Red” McDaniel, it’s a gristly but very worthwhile book.
“I Like Those Who Weren’t Captured”
Most POWs and veterans dislike McCain, Trump’s statement resounded with them. The news media and most people call McCain a hero simply because everyone has always called him a hero. What Trump was trying to say, is that the only reason McCain’s called a hero is because of his time in the Hanoi Hilton (which is normally enough by the way, except for “Songbird McCain”, read the book “Scars and Stripes” that I link to below), not for what he’s done since. Trump’s statement “I like those who weren’t captured” was shocking and caught people off guard, but why? Trump simply means that he likes heroes who are heroes based on something they did, like saving a regiment or a village for example.
Slamming McCain
Mostly Trump was slamming McCain for letting down veterans, not taking a strong stance on immigration, and not fixing the poorly functioning VA healthcare system. I don’t know if Trump was / is aware of how McCain has impeded the search and / or return of POWs, something that there is no shortage of anger surrounding.
Down the POW Rabbit Hole
Once you start looking at the POW claims, you start down a deep rabbit hole that seems to never end. Most of the front-line solders and pilots from the Vietnam war are either dead or old men now, but there’s plenty of written and recorded histories from them… what’s not available are POW records, they’ve been sealed… by John McCain: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/mccain-and-the-pow-cover-up/ and http://www.vvof.org/mccain_hides.htm
Pardoned for Treason
According to this article, and others I found, John McCain was pardoned for treason after the war by President Richard Nixon.
Do your own research. Do some searches on John McCain sealing POW records, including his own. Read “Scars and Stripes”, by Eugene “Red” McDaniel, a pilot who was also shot down and was one of the most tortured men in the Hanoi Hilton. Do some searches on how he treated Red McDaniel when Red was searching for POWs. Draw your own conclusions.
The Evil of the Vietnam War
Vietnam was an ugly war that spawned evil that we’re still dealing with. Let’s be clear, there was a lot of evil on both sides of the war in Vietnam. The military leadership of the day ran a war whose measurement of success or failure was the daily enemy body count – this fact alone created more unspeakable evil than is imaginable. Our drafted solders were considered an expendable resource and often used as bait to lure out enemy positions for aerial and artillery attacks (search and destroy). Unlike previous wars, there was no “moral” objective, in fact, most of the enlisted men couldn’t discern any objective at all, moral or otherwise, except to kill. This created the perfect storm for evil to flourish.
The evil in the Vietnam War was not just in the country of Vietnam: its roots were in the chain of command in our own government and in the Russian government. It was in the way the war was fought, and after the US pulled out, it was in the way POWs were left behind, it was dirty dealings, cover-ups, and changing of records. Search on it. Why would McCain have records sealed? Why would he not support “Red” McDaniel’s efforts to bring home POWs? What is in those sealed records?
When McCain ran for President I supported him, and called him a hero, but after more research, I’ve changed my mind. I’d still rather have him for President than Obama (I’d rather have Donald Duck than Obama), but my opinion of McCain is not favorable. Update: actually, I’ve changed my mind on this… McCain would have been worse than Obama because people were fooled by McCain and he would have been able to do more damage than Obama did (if you can imagine that).
Trump Made You Look
Like with immigration, Trump has caused people look at Veterans affairs and McCain’s history. It’s not pretty, in fact, it’s pretty ugly stuff… but that’s what friends do: they tell you the truth.
I for one would love to have Trump as President. Maybe he would unseal some of the “embarrassing” things that have been sealed. Families of veterans deserve the truth, even if it’s ugly. Which is exactly why both the GOP establishment and the Democratic establishment are so adamant against him: Trump is not of the “Political Class” or the “American Oligarchy”, and he cares not to protect it but rather to break it.