It’s frustrating. It’s depressing. It’s distressing. It’s angering. It’s too much.
Fighter pilots call it “information overload” – too much information coming at you too fast. Instead of being able to process and use all the information, you become paralyzed, like a deer in headlights.
This political season highlights the systematic ruin of this country. Those of us considering ourselves to be patriots are furious with the establishment. We feel like David vs. Goliath without a slingshot.
It’s easy to get mad at people you think should know better than to support the candidate they’re supporting, but we have to remember, most people are too busy to be concerned with politics. Yet they can quote you sports statistics back to 1910 or who was on American Idol every season since its inception.
They don’t know the difference between socialism and capitalism but they can tell you 41 reasons why transgender persons should be allowed in my child’s bathroom at school.
It seems someone, somewhere in some dark room, deep in the bowels of this country, has turned up the “crazy dial” to 110%. And yes, they have.
Yesterday at church, the minister said “In 1969 we put a man on the moon; in 2016 we don’t even know which bathroom to use“. Our brains have been scrambled to the point where otherwise seemingly good people protest a law stating you go to the bathroom that matches the equipment you were born with.
Slowly and over a long period of time this country has been turned into socialist mush.
We’re offended by everything and stand for nothing. The police are bad and thugs are worshiped. Loving, monogamous, heterosexual relationships are made fun of, while promiscuous and perverse lifestyles are worshiped in movies, television shows, and music. Even churches now celebrate “sexual diversity” and bend the Gospel of Jesus to falsify sin as “good”. If you attend one of these denominations I suggest you change churches as we recently did.
Education has been watered-down and falsified to the point we’re clueless about our history, facts are ignored, and misinformation is taught at truth. People “graduate” unable to do the most basic academic tasks.
Brick by brick is slowly being removed from the supports that built this country and made it strong.
All of this is for one purpose: control.
It’s depressing.
It’s overwhelming.
They’re counting on me and you giving up.
We will not.
Keep up the push back against tyranny.
Until next time,