You can listen to Obama and the “official” government numbers claiming job growth and “recovery” but it’s all a lie. Just like the unemployment numbers – the media only reports the number that does not include those no longer receiving unemployment benefits, so the long-term unemployed are not counted: it an incorrect number that’s way to low. If they do that with unemployment they do it with everything.
Get off the highway and drive the back roads for a change. Take a drive in your town to the “other side of the tracks”… you’ll see the destruction of America.
What you’ll see when you get off the interstate is pain. Boarded up buildings where small and not so small local businesses used to thrive. You’ll see houses in dire need of maintenance. Sure there are still beautiful homes and thriving businesses, but the scars of the economic gutting of this country are huge and visible.
The Social Justice Warriors (SJW) among us will quickly say the government needs to step in with more programs and more distribution of wealth. No. That’s the problem. The Marxist / Socialists policies of the last 12 or so years, the last 7 specifically, have ruined this county. It goes back farther, but the last 12 have been brutal. Corporate and personal tax rates that are criminally high put a damper on the economy. Regulations that are insane do the same. The EPA, BLM, IRS are the massive machinery grinding this country to pieces.
The frustration is compounded by the fact that most of the elected GOP leaders, once they get into their leadership positions, become no different than the democrats. Are they being blackmailed, threatened, or both? Are they secretly kidnapped and taken to a nondescript building under the cover of darkness and programmed with mind control drugs and electric shocks? Their complete disconnect from reality would lead one down this path. The NSA has the goods on everyone, so the administration could easily make blackmailing a mainstream operation.
There are a lot of layers to this onion and you can read about a lot of them here on this blog. None of it is random. Our economy has been intentionally shackled. Americans have been intentionally hurt.
We have a chance to correct some of this, we must vote, and we must stay in contact with our elected officials and let them know we’re not happy with them.
Most of all, we must stay alert and get our kids heads, and our heads, out of the TV and constant “programming” we’re receiving. If you have younger children, they should read Rush Limbaugh’s “Rush Revere” series. If you have older children (high school or above), they should read Dr. Anthony Napoloen’s 3 books listed in the right hand column of this blog, click here to order signed copies directly from his website (all proceeds go to animal rescue / wounded warrior). You should read them too.
We have to vote with our $ and our presence too. Turn off the cesspool that is modern TV, including the news. Try One America News Network for news. Get a Roku so you can watch it if your cable provider does not carry it. Get a Roku anyway so you can take a bigger role in selecting what your family watches.
If you don’t agree with something, stop going along to get along. Leave.
Take your kids out of public school and put them in private school.
It’s no longer a question of Republican vs. Democrat or Conservative vs. Liberal. We are all under attack.
There are a lot, and mean a LOT of misguided liberals who could really benefit from reading the books I mentioned above, even the “Rush Revere” children’s books (I’ve read them and they’re great – I learned a lot).
Conservatives need to read them too, conservatives need to stop saying they’ll only vote for a candidate who scores perfect on a conservative score card.
We need the best people to get the job done. That job is restoring this country to a constitutional republic. In 2008 we needed a surgeon to fix the problem – now, in 2017 we need to elect an exterminator with a massive can of raid.
Until next time,