Donald Trump is a very wealthy man. He didn’t get that way by making bad decisions. He’s used to looking at the facts and drawing conclusions quickly: not waiting on committees, focus groups, and polls to base a decision.
The Political Amplifier
Mr. Trump has been surprised by the amplitude of the feedback (both positive and negative) over his stance and comments on illegal immigration. That’s the difference between regular business and politics: politics is like an amplifier, an exponential amplifier – the hotter the topic or the more the political establishment has to lose over a topic, the stronger the reaction… by orders of magnitude. Mr. Trump poked the bear with immigration; he struck a fault line that’s way overdue for a major quake.
I heard his speech, I watched it live, he said nothing disparaging about the Mexican people, just the criminals coming over the border illegally. If you doubt me, look it up and watch it yourself. If you doubt he’s correct in what he said, do some research and you’ll find staggering stats on crime by illegal immigrants. Be warned, the government hides a lot of those stats from easy view, you have to search newspaper articles, etc.
He’s Saying What We Say at Home
Mr. Trump is a “tell it like it is” kind of guy. Mr. Trump is saying, in public, what most of us say in our living rooms and at our dinner tables. Trump does not appear polished (he is, and he’s very smart and very well educated) and he’s definitely not homogenized: he’s real. I’d love to meet him and shake his hand. He’s what we need. He reminds me of the founders of this country, people like Patrick Henry. People are sick of political correctness. The liberal left, the GOPe (GOP Elite) and the media has made this country’s elected officials into a bunch of cowering wimps. John Boehner is so scared to take a stance he may as well be a democrat.
Politicians make most of us sick to our stomachs. We elect them to fix problems and save the country and they get assimilated into another cog in the system, another brick in the huge government wall. The few that try to change things find that even their party turns against them (Just ask Ted Cruz and Rand Paul).
Get “Bubba” to Vote
Donald Trump is tapping into what I call the “Bubba Factor”: people, regular people, all across this country who have not felt a Presidential candidate excited them enough to get out and vote. Romney could have picked up some of this, but the GOP, RNC, etc. had him back off and softball it. The majority of Christians did not vote in the past two elections cycles… “Bubba” might not go to church all that much, but “Bubba” loves Jesus, loves the USA, loves their favorite teams, loves “American Sniper”, and hates taxes and ISIS. Get “Bubba” to vote and we change this country.
It All Hinges on the Economy
Some “analysts” point to various things in Trumps past and say he’s not the perfect GOP nomination. So what. What’s the number one problem facing this county? The economy. If anyone can make this country business friendly again it’s Trump. If we don’t get the economy fixed, and fast, nothing else will matter. A thriving economy is the absolute best way to help the poor, the unemployed, the under employed, and eradicate the liberal’s claim of “income inequality”. It all hinges on jobs: good jobs, not part time burger flipping jobs, or government jobs, like Obama creates.
Long, Hard Fight
Mr. Trump is Christian, supports the 2nd amendment, favors traditional marriage, wants to secure the borders, return our military to a position of strength, reduce taxes, and knows how to run a business.
There are other very good candidates Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, but I’m not sure they can withstand the firestorm that is inevitable when fighting this system. As has been seen with Trump, start telling the truth and people run and hide – pulling funding and business deals. It’s going to be a long, ugly fight.
This Election is a Revolution
I’ll close with this quote from Patrick Henry because this election is very much a revolution: either we fall into the abyss of liberalism and socialism never to return, or, we rise up and embrace the dream of freedom once again that founded this country:
Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! — I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! ~Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775.
Update 11/18/2015:
Read my additional post about Donald Trump: Forget the Conservative Score Card; We Need a Train Stopping Candidate!
Read my post showing that Trump is right about ISLAM and refugees: Brains for the Trojan Horse: Hijrah and Closing Gitmo