With Bernie Sanders neck and neck with The Red Queen (Hillary Clinton), anyone who still doubts that Obama and the Democratic party is leading us down the path to socialism is like the Pinball Wizard in that old song by The Who – “Deaf, Dumb, and Blind”!
In a perfect world, socialism would work. Everyone would produce to the best of their abilities, whatever it is that they’re best at doing, and share with everyone else. But, this is FAR from a perfect world. Besides, perfect utopia is NOT what Obama or the Democratic Party is interested in, they’re interested in power and control. To maintain their grip on power, they want as many people as possible dependent on the government: the bigger the government the better. Socialism is the way to achieve a permanent, dependent voting base.
Conservatives want the opposite: we want smaller government and less people dependent on government handouts and programs. Conservatives want everyone to have the ability and desire to make their own way in life. Conservatives know, here in the real world, if you teach a man to fish he can feed himself and his family… however… if you give him fish and never teach him to fish, or tell him he doesn’t need to learn to fish, he’ll eat that fish and want another one… and another one… and another one… and another one… until he’s lost the desire, ability, and reasoning to catch a fish, even if he had to.
Even worse, socialists have been instilling a belief that everyone is entitled to free fish. Forever. Paid for by more and more taxes on the few remaining who will actually get out there and fish.
Proof of this is all around us if we open our eyes.
Socialism is like the way most grocery stores and big box home stores handle their shopping carts. You buy something and wheel it out to the parking lot in a shopping cart, or buggy, as we call them here in God’s country, the south. In a perfect “socialist” world, we’d all return our shopping carts back to the line of waiting carts in the store or at the entrance to the store while whistling a happy song. But do we? Heck no, we just leave them everywhere. Most stores have blocked-off areas in their parking lots designated to hold shopping carts… making it easier for customers to “centralize” returning their carts vs. just leaving them everywhere. Does it work? No. It works better than nothing, but a lot of people still do not return the cart unless they’re parked close to one of the little return areas – they still leave them everywhere.
A few stores have solved this problem. They don’t have collection areas in their parking lot at all. Yet, everyone returns their cart to the entrance of the store. Why? Because to get a cart, you have to insert a quarter into a small device on the handle of the cart and then you can remove the cart from the cart holder. You only get your quarter back if and when you return the cart to the cart holder: once it’s in place you can remove your quarter. Simple and effective!
Here we have a perfect example of why socialism will never work and why capitalism always will.
Socialism will never achieve the level of economic success and quality of life that capitalism can, and does. All proven by a simple shopping cart… and 25 cents! Returning a shopping cart is a simple, easy task to perform. It only takes a few minutes and minimal energy. What about a lifetime of work? If people can’t even manage to do the “right thing for the better good” with a shopping cart, a lifetime of work in a socialist system will surely be subpar.
In socialism, everything becomes a race to the bottom vs. a race to the top.
Socialism ignores the fact that man (as an animal) is at his best when there’s competition involved. Socialism ignores man’s inherent sinfulness and laziness. Some of the most vocal socialist are also some of the same people trying to remove the competitiveness from youth sports. They’re trying to make it even and fair. Life’s not even and fair. Competitive sport is a great way to grow, mold, and develop a young person towards a life time of achievement. The lessons learned in practice and on the field are invaluable in life. Transforming youth sport into an exercise of not keeping score and making everyone a winner will in reality make everyone a loser. It’s the same with Socialism: after sufficient time everyone loses.
Until Next time,