Have you ever been to a county or state fair and walked through the “Hall of Mirrors”? The “Hall of Mirrors” is a common attraction at fairs that consists of a room with all types of mirrors that distort and alter your reflection, as well as confuse you with placement of mirrors to create endless hall effects, reverse reflections, etc.
Imagine if you will a door. A door you’ve never seen before. Imagine if you will, coming home one evening, and as you lay your car keys down on your kitchen counter, you see a door in your house that’s never been there before. You’re startled and scared. How did it get there? You slowly approach this new door and try to open it, but it’s locked. You remove your hand and suddenly the door creaks open a few inches. You feel cool air exit the opening and you notice a slight smell reminding you of the air after thunderstorms when you were a child. You slowly open the door and enter a small, dimly lit, completely mirrored room. The walls, floor, ceiling, and even the back of the door are covered in mirrors. Then the door closes by itself.
As you look around the room, you quickly realize you don’t recognize the person looking back at you in the mirrors. You start to panic and reach for your cell phone but realize you left it on the counter with your keys. You try to find the door but can’t because the mirrors align so well the door has virtually disappeared.
You stand there trembling. Various thoughts run through your mind. You start noticing the mirrors reflect images somewhat related to your thoughts, but not as you remember or know them to be. You see interactions with family, friends, recent events… but they’re different. You wonder if what you are seeing is more accurate than what you remember. As you concentrate on a particular event or person, you can even faintly hear them… but what you hear is not what you remember being said…
Recent national news events cross your mind and you really focus on them: you’re shocked at what you’re seeing and hearing: you’re taken aback by how different it is from what you remember being told on the news shows and newspapers.
As you begin to calm down, the door again, mysteriously, pops open.
Reality is not an illusion. Our perception of our reality is most likely an illusion.
If you had a “room of truth” as I’ve described above, would you use it? It would take courage to do so: a lot of courage. If you’ve been wrong about something for 10 minutes, it’s not so hard to change, but what if you’ve been wrong on many things for years, even your entire adult life? 20, 30, or 40 years of living a lie, even if you didn’t know it to be a lie, is a very difficult thing to admit. It would be very difficult to overcome even if one did admit to it.
What if you alone knew the truth, how would you, or could you, get others to believe? Would you be ostracized or made fun of? Would you be seen as a raging lunatic?
Most people reading this article unknowingly believe lies and intentionally modified reality to be the truth. But which ones of you, and which lies?
What if the room of truth stripped away your most personally held and strongest beliefs? What if it revealed lies told to you to by corrupted politicians, corrupted school systems, misinformed teachers, corrupted religious organizations, and unknowing parents?
What if it revealed to you the one or two people who tried to help you understand the truth? The ones you scoffed at, made fun of, or simply dismissed as [enter your favorite crazy person adjective here] were actually correct? How would that make you feel?
You can’t handle the truth!”
You can’t handle the truth!” (Col. Jessup in the movie “A Few Good Men”). If you’re reading this article, you’re living in an illusion. You’re living in a world controlled by massively interconnected machinery of illusion. For some it can be very difficult even to begin to grasp just how deeply you’ve been manipulated. The resistance to the truth when it’s opposite one’s beliefs is great! It would take a “room of truth” to convince most:
It doesn’t matter what news network you watch, you’re not getting the truth.
It doesn’t matter what newspaper you read, you’re not getting the truth.
Every once in a while, a small tidbit of truth will come through but not often.
If you’re a conservative and watch Fox news, you’re being lied to.
If you’re a liberal and watch CNN or MSNBC, you’re being lied to.
When a tidbit of truth does come through, it’s not always content, as Megyn Kelly found out during Fox’s GOP debate: the establishment’s objective of pushing one candidate over another was too obvious and loyal fans and viewers, for a moment, saw a glimpse into the gears of the machine. Most quickly forgot, or, don’t know where else to turn so they still watch. Who and what do you think is behind this?
Starting the late 1960s, TV, movies, music, advertisements, etc have all been modifying our reality. Watch an episode or two of the “Andy Griffith Show” (the old B&W ones)… watch an old John Wayne movie (Searchers is the perfect example, considered to be one of the top films of all time)… compare these to recent TV shows and movies, especially TV shows on the so called kids and family cable channels. One could write a series of books on the differences but I’ll summarize it in a couple of sentences. Old TV shows and movies (and ads) stressed family, strong father figures, morals, character, and a difference between right and wrong. Newer TV shows and movies (and ads) belittle families, show weak or stupid fathers, make fun of morals, and promote lack of character, and promiscuous behavior. Who and what do you think is behind this?
As I’m writing this, I have twitter open and more than half of my local newspaper’s tweets are about TV shows, not news, not even good TV shows: this happens every day. Think they’re being paid to tweet about “Pretty Little Liars” or “The Good Wife” with a link to an article on their site by TVGuide? Probably. What else are they paid to print and publish that the average reader does not take the time to notice is not really news? I would wager this is not isolated to my local paper; it extends to all media outlets from my local paper to international news networks. Who and what do you think is behind this?
Think of a recent US President... what is your first thought. If you’re a liberal and think of Obama, you probably had a good first thought – if you’re a conservative, you probably felt rage. What about George W. Bush: if you’re a liberal you probably felt hate, anger… if you’re a conservative you probably felt a mix of good or somewhat good thoughts. What do you think you’d see in a room of truth? Do you really what to know? Do you really want to know how far back in US history we have to go to find a President who was a true Patriot and not bought off and / or controlled? An assassination or two makes you think twice if you’re the President.
Look at what’s happening on college campuses across our country. Men and women who fought hard to end segregation and true racism, both black and white, are scratching their heads and asking what happened? We have a generation of black Americans wanting segregation and special treatment because they’re black. Who and what do you think is behind this?
We now have multiple generations of all races who can’t tolerate being offended. The slightest thing offends. If something offended our grandparents they either dealt with it, or, ignored it and got on with life. Who and what do you think is behind this?
Let’s dig a bit deeper…
How do you react to the following statements?
- “Islam is not, never was and never will be a religion. It’s a totalitarian ideology that masquerades as a religion.”
- Or this quote from the late Christopher Hitchens – “Islamophobe: A word created by fascists, used by cowards, to manipulate morons.“
- Or this from Proverbs 4: 23 to 27 “23. With every enlightenment guard your heart, because it is from him that the Life emerges. 24. Do away from you the impertinent mouth, and put off from your lips the recommendation of fraudulence. 25. Let your eyes gaze objectively, and your eyelids take in what is in front of you. 26. Let your feet pass from evil paths, and all your ways shall be well established. 27. And do not deviate to the right and the left, except let your foot avoid evil.”
- “Climate Change is the biggest threat to our national security”
- “Climate Change Agenda is Primarily a Far Left Wealth Redistribution Scheme.”
- “ISIS is not Islam”
- Social Justice
How you react to all of these statements is directly related to your version of reality, to the degree and direction you’ve been manipulated.
Or these two facts:
- 58,000 US military were killed in Vietnam; many, many, many more were wounded in action.
- The Obama Administration refused to bomb ISIS held oil fields because they didn’t want to cause environmental damage.
How you react to these two statements depends on what you know about the truth of the Vietnam War, and how your version reality values human life, especially US and Christian human life. Do you see the relationship between them (read my linked article on Trump slamming John McCain for some of the history of truth on the Vietnam War)?
You Can Lead A Horse To Water…
I would love to take some of you back into that mirrored room of truth and examine each and every one of the points I’ve mentioned… but those that need to change wouldn’t believe me. The resistance to the truth when it’s opposite one’s beliefs is great!
Only you can change you. Only you can discover the way out of your distorted reality. I encourage my liberal (and conservative) friends to start by reading all three of Dr. Anthony Napoleon’s books that I’ve linked to in the right column of this blog. His well documented books show how we’ve become pawns on someone else’s chessboard, and how we can start to see the truth.
Here’s someone who’s not afraid to tell the truth, and she took a lot of heat for it, but she’s right in pointing out how utterly (pun intended) stupid it is:
Note 2/16/2016: this video has been removed, it was a video by Veronica-Pooh Nash-Poleate talking about Bruce Jenner being named woman of the year…
Until next time,