Update 6/30/2016: the Obama administration has lifted the ban on transgenders in the military.
If you feel like someone has taken the American way of life and put it in a huge blender, you’re not alone. The fact is, most Americans feel this way and are angry about it: hence the success of Donald Trump. We don’t want, or need, men in women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, etc., or for that matter women in men’s bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. Of course there are always exceptions and people with half a brain in their head realize that these situations need to be handled on a case by case basis. There’s something more going on than just what’s on the surface: the militant LGBT movement is about forcing moral destruction.
I sat though a college graduation commencement address from CNN’s David Gergen this past weekend at Elon University as he ranted against NC’s HB2, ranted on how backward NC has become, on how transgender rights are just like the civil rights movement of the 60s, on how North Carolina is now no better than Mississippi (what’s wrong with Mississippi??? I was hoping there would be someone in the audience from Mississippi who would yell at him, but no…), etc. It was sickening. It was ludicrous. It was like commencement addresses all across the country. I kept making comments about his blatantly illogical and stupid remarks, and the liberals in the row in front of me would just clap harder every time I said something. Being that I was in a nest of the Progressive movement, 90% of the audience clapped at every other sentence he said: it was like a momma bird feeding worms to her young… except the thoughts coming from Gergen were (and are) poisonous worms.
I’m an alumnus of Elon and was disgusted by Gergen’s address, if I could find my diploma I would mail it to the President of the University with this blog post taped to it.
Matthew 19:
3. And the Pharisees approached him and tempted him and said, “If it is lawful for a person to divorce his wife for any reason.”
4. He replied and told them, “Did you not read that he made them at the beginning of creation, male and female, did he not?
5. “And it said, because of this a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife and they become both one flesh.
6. “From then on they are not two, except one body. What God has thus united, a human being does not separate.”
7. They told him, “Why did then Moses order that a divorce letter be given and divorcing her?”
8. He told them, “Moses, in response to the hardness of your hearts, allowed you to divorce your women, however, it was not so at the beginning of creation.
9. “However, I am telling you, whoever leaves his wife without a husband and takes on another, commits adultery, and whoever takes on a divorced woman, commits adultery.
I’m sick of the left’s agenda to destroy this country being shoved down our throats like meat through a sausage grinder. Here are a few facts to consider regarding homosexuals and transgenders:
Less than 4% (3.5) of the US population is homosexual and between 0.1% and 0.3% of the population is transgender (data from the Williams Institute published in 2011). If we err on the side of transgenders and say that 0.5% of the population is transgender, then we’re still talking about a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the US population. Yet the Obama administration is trying to force 99.5% of the population to act like its common behavior. It’s not.
If less than 0.5% is transgender and only 3.5% are homosexual, then why are TV shows, news programs, and movies saturated with LGBT? To desensitize, to make it seem like normal and common behavior. To keep tearing apart this country’s fabric.
The fact is, after reading a lot about the subject (and I give you links below), it’s all a hoax, like climate change and global warming, to force change and destruction down our throats. You can’t change gender. Gender dysphoria is a condition more like a bone thin skinny person who looks in the mirror and sees a fat person (or vice versa), and we don’t help those people by saying “yes, you ARE fat, so keep sticking your fingers down your throat”, no, we give them proper treatment. But in this case, because it deals with sexual immorality, we’re being forced to believe, like we’re in the Twilight Zone, that yes, the skinny person is obese.
Here are some articles you should read to learn the truth:
First we have to learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff, this whitepaper cost $2.50 but its well worth it and the proceeds go to either animal rescue or wounded veterans: Epistemology: The Wonderful World of Social Media by Dr. Anthony Napoleon, a clinical and forensic psychologist.
Dr. Anthony Napoleon, a clinical and forensic psychologist, article on transsexuals titled “TransJenner™ The Myths, The Manipulation and The Truth”.
Three articles about Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital on transgenderism:
Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution: A drastic physical change doesn’t address underlying psycho-social troubles.
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
Former Johns Hopkins Chief of Psychiatry DESTROYS ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner (MUST READ)
Interesting perspective from someone whose father was transgender: My Dad Was Transgender. Why I Still Think Gender Can’t Be Changed.
For a look at what organized religion is doing to destroy the country look here, there are articles on everything from immigrants to sexuality: Exposing the ELCA . This site is about the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), but most Protestant denominations are following suit now.
This is where we’re heading, a teacher awarded $60,000 because coworkers didn’t call him/her/it “they”: Transgender teacher gets 60k settlement after co-workers wont call her ‘they’
And now the Girl Scouts Welcome Transgenders…
Update 1/31/2017: The Boy Scouts now Welcome Transgenders too…
Updated: 6/2/2016
TLC’s ‘Transgender Kids Camp’ Gives Hope to Transgender Kids
TLC’s special Transgender Kids Camp, followed a summer camp dedicated solely to transgender kids. The camp was designed as a safe place where transgender kid… So while we as a culture destroy our children, our enemies are breeding and training like never before. Personally I think that parents who do this to their children are unfit parents and should be criminally prosecuted for child abuse.
OK, go throw up, clean up, and get ready to fight!
Until next time,