It’s 2016, why do we not have flying cars, warp drive space travel, and cheap energy: instead we have Obama, racial division, war, poverty, and hate? As advanced as our technology seems, we are still stuck with massive problems and limited by technological ceilings we just can’t seem to break through.
Note: this is a long article… it may appear to ramble, but it’s all related…
- If the Egyptians could build the Great Pyramids and the Greeks could develop the Antikythera machine, why are we not warping around the galaxy in massive space vessels that would make Captain James T. Kirk envious?
- Why are we still burning oil, gas, and coal for power?
- Why is the Middle East boiling over in brutality and inhumanity, and why is it spilling over into more civilized parts of the world?
- Why was John F Kennedy assassinated?
- Why has Barack Hussein Obama taken the actions he has taken in his two terms as President of the United States, and is it really just a continuation of GWB’s 2nd term?
- Why do governments and big banks fear digital or crypto currency?
- What is a LFTR (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor) and why don’t we have them commercially producing electricity?
- Why don’t we have nuclear fusion reactors which are cleaner and produces much less radiation than fission reactors (which is the old technology powering current nuclear power plants)?
- Why have current and previous administrations of this country, of both political parties, created, and supported violent radical Islamic groups such as ISIS and Al-Queda?
- Why have millions of our young men and women been sent to slaughter in every undeclared war starting with Vietnam?
Believe it or not, all of these items are related, some of them interwoven tightly.
Stockholm syndrome: Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.
Certainly you’ve read about hostage situations or abusive relationships where the abused party didn’t escape when opportunity presented itself. The mind of the captive person had been manipulated, through physical and psychological abuse, to believe that freedom was not possible, or not deserved, or that the risking escape was too great. In extreme cases freedom is no longer even recognized as something that exists; of course that may not be Stockholm syndrome at that point.
So called “normal” people are astounded and perplexed and can’t understand why this happens. Yet throughout history it’s been proven over and over… the enslaved become to believe it’s their fault or their position to be enslaved. It takes a revolution to save them from their captors, and, from themselves.
Drive around at night and almost every house you pass, especially homes with children, have one or more TVs playing non-stop. (Note: this is not an unrelated, out of place sentence; it is directly related to the previous paragraphs, do you know why?)
At almost every point in history when a group of people crawl and fight their way into an organized civilization, progress begins to move at a faster and faster pace. When those among them with great minds can spend their days thinking and inventing, rather than eking out an existence, progress really begins to accelerate.
In some ancient civilizations this happened earlier than others. In some places, it never occurred at all – no great discoveries, no great civilizations. Yet in all places where man populated, there were those who wielded power. The power holders became the captors (as referenced in the above definition of Stockholm syndrome). The power holders, having the benefit of holding power, did not have to eke out a living, but enjoyed the resources to live well and have others at their disposal. Their grip on power and the populations they “controlled” was not always obvious by their means of control (just as it is not obvious now).
Wars were, and are, fought over power, knowledge, control, and resources… either to take, or to destroy.
When a population as a whole starts to improve to the point it threatens the power holders something has to be done. The population has to be taken down a notch or two. If the power holders don’t, they’ll lose their position and power. Sometimes this is done brutally and without concern to the welfare of the controlled, other times it’s subtle, sneaky, and devious.
Revolutions have been fought when the controlled and oppressed finally identify their hidden, or in some case not so hidden, controllers and fight back. The United States is a most successful example of this. Our foundling fathers understood who and what was controlling the colonies.
As ancient power holders and civilizations were overthrown and destroyed, either from within or from external sources, knowledge and progress that could have been built upon continuously from ages long ago to present, have been broken and fragmented and in some cases lost forever. Superstition created by power holders to control populations, was tweaked into fear and used to destroy progress, and erase forever knowledge that took lifetimes of gifted thinkers to decipher.
It’s claimed Nikola Tesla invented unlimited, cheap power and was possibly killed for it. His inventions and records burned and destroyed immediately after his death. How many others, from the Stone Age forward, have fared the same fate? What has humanity lost at the hands of the selfish few who control the masses?
Destruction of the US Dollar
The power holders seek to find a balance between exploiting the populations they control for maximum gain while keeping them unknowingly subservient.
When the United States proved to be an incredible economic engine the Federal Reserve was formed in 1913 to allow the power holders to control the US money supply. Most people don’t know the Federal Reserve is NOT a government body. It was formed under very suspicious circumstances and meetings, and voted on in an almost empty Congress. It is chaired by 12 persons (bankers) appointed by the President. It controls monetary policy (such as interest rates) and the printing of money. Yes, a non governmental agency prints and controls the money of the United States, and that group, the FED, and some policy is controlled by outside groups from Europe.
President John F Kennedy, didn’t want to commit any more Americans to the war in Vietnam, and he wanted to take the printing of money back from the FED (Executive Order 11110, some say this was just a stop-gap, temporary order, and referencing it is tin-foil hat stuff)… he was assassinated. The US went on to send over 9 million of our military to Vietnam and 58,000 were killed in Vietnam with many more wounded. Oh, and the FED still prints and controls our money. No one has dared try to stop the fed or the “wars” since.
The Federal Reserve has reduced the value of the US Dollar to around 10% of its value since the FED was established.
Destruction of the US Family, especially Black American Families
In the 1950s and early 60s, even with the FED in place, American families of all races were making economic progress, i.e. saving money and controlling their destiny. Something had to be done to avoid the population becoming too successful as a whole.
Marxist and socialists were used to subvert the population. For example, William Ayres and his cohorts in domestic terrorism, which were unsuccessful in taking over the government with violence, were “retooled” by the power holders to subvert the education system. Ayres and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, wrote (and continue to write to this day) scores of books on education and are regarded in academia as experts in education. They taught the teachers that taught the teachers who teach our children.
They have changed history to weaken the United States. The fact that a large number of black Americans have no pride in this country and loath this country, all because of “slavery” can be documented to how history has been altered, misconstrued, and outright lied about in textbooks and classrooms. In fact, the founders of this country hated slavery and wanted to abolish it as soon as they could – it did not mesh with their Christian beliefs.
The fact that growing numbers of recent college and high school graduates of all races blame white people for slavery, and think that it was a simple black vs white issue, is directly related to the misinformation programmed in textbooks and teachings coming from these same sources. Slave trading was mostly a business of the Islamic states and Islamic pirates. African warlords sold their own people (usually captured from other tribes) to the Islamic slave traders, which they in turn sold to slave owners in this country and other countries. The Islamic traders captured slaves of all races on the high seas and sold them or used them for their own purposes. There were black slave owners in the United States as well as some white slaves. Slaves in this country lived longer lives than slaves sold to other countries, as they were treated better here. Slavery is still an accepted practice in over 30 countries in Africa and Islamic countries. None of these facts are taught in modern text books in public schools. Slavery is and was a deplorable and horrible practice and should be outlawed. The United States was the first major country to make slavery illegal. That is something to be proud of.
In case you thought you recognized the name Bill Ayres, yes, that’s the same William Ayres that’s Obama’s friend, neighbor and whose living room he sat in to start his political career in 1995. Small world huh?
Why are white people made to feel so much guilt and why are black Americans made to hate this country because of slavery? Look no farther than a way to control the potential of the population of this country. If we all got along and were proud of our founders, and knew our true history, we could overthrow the holders of power.
There’s something else too: black American Christian families are an incredibly strong unit. I believe historically, their faith was tempered by having to live through the hard times of slavery and racism (not the made up “safe space” campus racism, but real racism of our grandparent’s day). Breaking down this particularly strong family unit was important to the power holders as it represents a threat to their power. Look at inner-city black youth to see how incredibly efficient the destruction has been.
When someone black, of great respect and fame starts telling the truth about the thuggery and entitlement attitudes of a majority of inner-city black youth, as Bill Cosby did several years ago, they’re erased. His shows were no longer shown on TV, and bookings became impossible. Bill Cosby has been erased because he told the truth and he was in a position to make a difference. When being erased wasn’t enough (I think, there was some talk about getting him involved in politics a couple of years ago) he’s now being finished off with scandalous charges that he hopefully will successfully defend.
Stress, Envy, and Desire
But back to the 50s and 60s for a minute: what do the power holders do about increasing prosperity of the American family? They made it so it was impossible to have a “one breadwinner household” for most people. Along with corrupting the educational system, the power holders set out to corrupt the American family. Make it so that both parents either wanted, or needed, to work. Make men lose their natural leadership position in the family. Make immorality seem normal. Remove Christianity from any and everything possible since it promotes family and unity.
These two steps took time, like turning an ocean liner around with a small motor boat, but after a few generations it has worked. A lot of the groups and organizations helping do this don’t even realize what they’re doing, they think they’re working for their own causes, but in reality they’re pawns in amuch larger chess match. Like I say: Satan is at his finest when you’re doing his work while you think you’re working for Jesus.
With most modern families having both parents working, or divorced and working, parents are stressed out all the time. The 50s and 60s, where one parent worked and one stayed home, no longer exists except for a few. In those days it was easier to be involved in your community. It was easier to raise your children yourself instead of leaving them in daycare and after-school centers where they’re taught to be socialists, or, at least conformists. It was easier to keep up with what your children were being taught in school. It was easier to spend more time with your children. It’s possible now, but it requires sacrifices most have been convinced are out of touch or unnecessary.
Programming Our Youth (and Adults)
Remember my sentence above about driving around and almost every house, especially homes with children, having their TVs on all the time? Since the 50s, TV shows, movies, and music have been designed to change us. And it’s worked. Of course not each and every show, song, and movie, but a lot of what’s consumed, especially by children and young adults has changed our morals, mating habits, and respect for parents and authority. This is intentional and can be well documented (keep reading to the end for more info): some is a result of “priming the pump” so to speak, so that the next generation of producers and writers carry on the job without even realizing (this is the same as the hostage mentioned above who does not even comprehend the concept of freedom: pretty much hopeless).
Most Americans are slaves and their slave master is the bank.
Power holders know that if they keep people stressed out, all they can do is eke out a living. You can’t prosper if you serve the bank. You can’t make a better life for yourself if all you do, day in and day out, is worry about putting food on the table, keeping a roof over your head, and paying the bills.
Debt is our Enemy
Debt is the chains and whips of modern day slavery, and we treat it like it’s our friend, both as a nation and as individuals. Most Americans gladly line up to take on more debt than they can ever repay. When and if they do repay it, they’ve paid multiples more than their cars, houses, boats, etc are actually worth. Where does that money go? The massive financial machines that power the power holders.
Digital and Crypto Currency is a new technology that has the potential to break the hold of national banks like the FED on the world populations they control. It also has the potential to bring inexpensive banking and payment options to poorer, underserved regions of the world where banks don’t do business due to lack of profit or risks. That’s why governments and banks try to stop it. They do like it’s underlying technology, the block chain, but don’t want it to replace their control.
Putting it All Together
As a normal rule we don’t see the faces or names of the power holders, people we may think of as being in those roles, are most likely a level or two below the actual power holders. A lot of those in important positions of power around the world do the bidding of the true power holders, some knowingly, some not knowingly.
If you think these all these things are a coincidence then you’re kidding yourself. Your life, your children’s lives, and their children’s lives have been hijacked and enslaved.
You must know your enemy and respect their strengths. That allowed our founding fathers to break away, we must do it again.
It’s a nice, neat circular system they’ve created: continuously reducing the value of the dollar, continuously making it harder and harder to make ends meet, creating an environment of desire for products and services we don’t really need, making huge car payments and huge mortgage payments the accepted norm… creating constant fear… creates a population which is a slave to the financial institutions.
Knock Out Punch
But that’s not enough to kill America… America still has a beating heart…
Obama has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate our government at every level. The Saudi’s own Bushes (GH, GW, and J) and now the Muslim Brotherhood is like a cancer with tenancies buried deep in our brain. GW’s second term was not as bad as Obama’s first term, but he and his administration started a lot of the erosions of freedoms and empowerment of the Middle East radicals.
American’s are incredible people. Even with all the strikes against us, we still try. Even with most people NOT EVEN AWARE they’ve been robbed of their true history and potential prosperity, they still try to make something of their life and think the country is great. But that’s almost over. The power holders are bent on taking us back a few more notches. That’s why each administration keeps piling on more and more debt and never fixing any real problems. That’s why they never fix the borders and illegal immigration.
Now they’re going to flood the system with refugees and drown the nation in even more debt.
We were the great hope of the world: an engine of freedom, thought, and prosperity. Our founders were brilliant and created a framework that changed the world. They broke the chokehold of the power holders of Europe.
The Marxists and socialists, the haters of freedom, have fought a patient battle to kill what our founders created. However they didn’t really do it on their own; they were used by the power holders and will be disposed of without a second thought.
Even all those things can’t stop us, so they intend to use Islam to finish us.
The power holders grow hate and violence like an organism in a petri dish. Islam is used like a form of biological warfare to keep us afraid and in check. It will also be used to destroy us from within unless it’s stopped.
By wrapping Radical Islam in a religion wrapper, it makes it “off limits”. Islam is not peaceful. There are peaceful Muslims but true Islam is not peaceful. I fear the peaceful Muslims in this country will easily “harden” if more true followers of Islam come: study the invasion of Europe and watch what is happening there.
All the liberal women and homosexuals who are saying “open the borders”, and “Islam is great”, and preaching multiculturalism, will be the first they kill when given the opportunity. And believe me, they won’t kill the women until they make them wish they were dead. Watch what is happening in Europe, it’s coming here unless we stop Obama and elect Trump or Cruz (or Trump and Cruz).
Why then are we still pumping billions of dollars a day into the Middle East? Why not develop American energy sources? Why are we still burning fossil fuels? It’s about money and power for the holders of power, not what’s best for the “unwashed masses”. Very little has changed in the power structures since the middle ages, so the “unwashed masses” terminology still applies.
The power holders came up with “global warming” and then “climate change” to move massive amounts of money around the globe by buying and selling “carbon credits“. They use it to control and damage industries and companies. They use it to create billions of dollars of profit. They just created this out of thin air… nothing more. People working for the power holders, such as Al Gore and the Clintons have made billions by knowing what was going to happen and / or helping make it happen.
Why 2016 is Not So Futuristic
The Saudi’s and other middle east areas want the money coming their way from the US, and because they control our government, very little energy development actually takes place here. Pipelines aren’t built and oil not drilled under the guise of environmental protection.
We could develop nuclear technology that could change the world, but we drag our feet. Remember Nicola Tesla… we could have had it years ago, decades ago.
“Every time mankind has been able to access a new source of energy it has led to profound societal implications” ~unknown
In other words each new energy source elevates society a notch or two.
Thorium for example is an abundant material that can be used to create safe, abundant nuclear power. It’s abundant, as opposed to uranium which is very rare. Thorium has a million times the energy density of carbon based fuels… that means you get a lot more bang for your buck once the technology has been developed, technology such as liquid fluoride thorium reactors vs. coal powered or gas powered electrical generation plants.
Cheap, plentiful energy would mean what?
But that would mean what? Society takes a few steps upward. Cheap, plentiful energy would mean what? It would change the world. We, as humans, would take huge steps forward in possibilities. Power structures could and would change: it would rob the power holders of immense sources of continuous wealth.
And that’s exactly why we don’t have it.
- Instead we have a President who divides the nation along racial lines, economic lines, and police lines. As he’s ordered to do by the holders of power who put him in place.
- Instead we have elected officials, including our Presidents, who have been bought off or threatened by the power holders so nothing ever really changes.
- Instead we have social justice warriors and all the media creating noise about:
- race,
- gender fluidity,
- rainbows,
- gays,
- cake bakers,
- black lives matters,
- pop tarts shaped like guns,
- nonexistent climate change.
- Noise that drowns out the real news…
- Noise that drowns out how dumbed down we’ve become…
- Noise that drowns out how the media entertainment complex has destroyed our morality…
- Noise that drowns out how our freedoms have been stripped one by one and we clap while it’s being done…
- Noise that drowns out everything important…
If it all seems like a nightmare, one in which you can’t get people to believe that the monsters are real, or one where you try to run away from the bad guys but your legs won’t move, it’s not… it’s real, very, very real. The only way to solve our problems is to wake up more and more people to the truth.
It’s not a conservative vs liberal issue, because most people, once they’re elected to office, fail to deliver on their promises. It’s going to take a revolution and the two men leading that revelation are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Trump is on to them, and that’s why he is so politically incorrect. Political correctness is a tool used to control us. Rand Paul is also a good choice because he sees the same enemies, but the fact is that he’s a little too squirrelly to get elected. You can tell they’re on to the truth by the way the media tries to destroy them (including Fox News). All of the major media outlets, including Fox News are controlled. Look at who owns Fox News and you’ll see why. That’s why I’ve started watching One America News on our Roku (Time-Warner does not carry them)… they’re small and limited, but independent and honest.
References and More Reading
A lot of the information I’ve use preparing this post came from Dr. Anthony Napoleon‘s three books:
You want to know the truth? Do you think you can handle the truth? Then get these three books ASAP and read them… twice!
My Related Blog Posts:
- Forget the Conservative Score Card; We Need a Train Stopping Candidate!
- Why Trump Slammed McCain: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Info on Vietnam War)
- Thomas Jefferson: Racist or Revolutionary
- Mirrored Room of Truth
- San Bernardino Mass Shooting Caused by Mental Illness
- What’s Hidden in Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24?
- Brains for the Trojan Horse: Hijrah and Closing Gitmo
- Survival Training for Freedom
- Gun Control is Not About Taking Your Guns But Something Much Worse…
- Satan’s Call to Greatness: Evil, Murder, and School Massacres
Until next time,